Our Story


How can you donate?

Make a one-time online donation via the following modes.

    1. Give.Asia or Giving.sg
      We encourage you to make an online donation through Give.Asia or Giving.sg as it is the most convenient method for you to donate and for us to receive your donation. 
    2. PayNow
      PayNowto UEN: 201700430ED01.
      To facilitate tax deduction, kindly include your NRIC/UEN in the reference section when making your donation. For accurate processing, please also send an email to finance@probono.sg providing your full name, NRIC/UEN, and transaction particulars. 

    3. Bank Transfer
      Make a transfer to OCBC account 713773877001
      Payee Name: Pro Bono SG
      To facilitate tax deduction, kindly include your NRIC/UEN in the reference section when making your donation. For accurate processing, please also send an email to finance@probono.sg providing your full name, NRIC/UEN, and transaction particulars. 

    4. Cheques
      Please make the cheque payable to “Pro Bono SG”.
      Mail the cheque to our office at 1 Havelock Square #B1-18 State Courts Singapore 059724, directed to the attention of “Finance Department”.
      You may specify at the back of your cheque if you would like this donation to be directed to a specific campaign and provide your name and NRIC/UEN for tax deduction purpose. 

    5. In-Kind Donations  
      If you would like to make an in-kind donation to Pro Bono SG, please contact us at give@probono.sg.


Donations of $5,000 and above are recognised in our publicity material and will receive privileged access to our events to learn more about the access justice landscape, understand community needs and interact with luminaries in the sector. Contact us at give@probono.sg and let us work the details out together.

Monetary donations qualify for 2.5 times tax deduction unless otherwise stated, and your donation will be automatically included in your tax assessment by IRAS if you provide your NRIC/FIN/UEN number to us. Donations will have to be received by Pro Bono SG by 31 December 2024 in order for the tax deduction to be included in your tax assessment for the Year of Assessment 2025. We do not issue hardcopy receipts as part of our ESG efforts. If you wish to receive a receipt via email or have any questions, please contact us at finance@probono.sg.

Our programmes are a vital community resource and run all year round, rain or shine. Your regular contribution will ensure that our services will always be available to those who need them.

You may set up a regular contribution through various methods, click here to find out more or let us work out the details with you by reaching us at give@probono.sg.

There are three ways in which you may leave a legacy gift for Pro Bono SG:

  • Bequest a portion of your estate as a legacy gift to Pro Bono SG through your will
  • Nominate Pro Bono SG as a beneficiary of your Central Provident Fund (CPF) monies using a nomination form obtained from the CPF Board
  • Designate Pro Bono SG as a beneficiary of your insurance policies.

Contact us at give@probono.sg and let us work the details out together.

Note: If you are donating through PayNow, Bank Transfer or Cheques, please write to finance@probono.sg providing your details including name and NRIC/UEN if you wish to claim tax deduction.

The generous contributions of the general public over the last 17 years have allowed us to impact over 150,000 lives. Every dollar counts and goes a long way in making a difference in improving access to legal justice and levelling the playing field for the needy and vulnerable.

Start a Fundraiser

If you or your organisation are interested in starting a fundraising campaign for Pro Bono SG, please reach out to us at give@probono.sg so we can collaborate on the details. 

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